Monday 22 September 2014

Repeat please!

Why is repetition so important in the classroom? Just because by repeating information we are strengthening neuron connections. If this new information is not used for a certian period of time this connection deteriorates with time.
Most memories disappear within minutes but those that survive this short period strengthen with time and form part of the long term memory. Long term memories take place between the hypocampus and the cortex until the hypocampus breaks the connection and the memory is fixed in the cortex.
Our brains give us only an approximate view of reality because they mix knowledge with past memories and store them together as one. The way to make long term memory more reliable is to incorporate it gradually and repeat it in timed intervals.
Include variety; When repeating, it is important to change the pitch of your voice, speed, the use of gestures, etc so as to avoid being monotonous.
Repetition is a must when it comes to learning and it is essential for teachers to take the time to review and repeat the new concepts all over again until it is consolidated. All the same, we cannot sleep on the laurels. We should always have in mind the saying that says "If you don't use it, you lose it", that is, bringing back already learned concepts, revise, and repeat is a way to keep them alive in our memory banks.

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